31 Affirmations For Entrepreneurs To Overcome Challenges

Starting your own business is one of the most difficult things you can do to make a living. You have to deal with all types of situations. From inconsistent income, unhappy customers, doubt from your loved ones, rejection from potential clients, an endless todo list with very little time on your hands–The list goes on and on. With all the pitfalls that come with entrepreneurship, business owners need to be able to persist through tough challenges regularly. Affirmations for entrepreneurs can give you that confidence boost you need to keep going even when times get tough.

Entrepreneur working at her desk after doing positive affirmations.

Why do entrepreneurs need affirmations?

First of all, if you’re struggling with self-doubt but you’re also managing to deliver consistent results, chances are you are dealing with something called imposter syndrome. It’s amazing how many hard working business owners doubt themselves. You deserve to be where you are, period. Stop worrying about what others think of you and keep pushing. Here’s a little secret, even your largest competitors were once where you are today. You just need to stick to what you’re doing and refuse to give up. 

Dealing With Rejection

Although you’ll need to do the actual work, affirmations for business owners can change your mindset and build up your self-esteem. Rejection is a common byproduct of entrepreneurship. Maybe you’re dealing with rejection from potential customers, investors, or partners. Truth is, you’re going to hear “no” a lot, but that doesn’t mean you won’t succeed. It’s a part of the process, so using affirmations to prepare yourself for this necessary evil can keep you positive during those times.

The Trough Of Sorrow

Another common issue that entrepreneurs could face is known as The Trough of Sorrow. It’s a period in your business that can be very lonely and demoralizing. Most entrepreneurs experience this state and they all handle this time differently. Getting out of the Trough of Sorrow can be tough, but you can do it! If you’re dealing with this, dig into more resources on how to beat it and remain diligent. During this time, make sure you take care of yourself mentally. Mindfulness practice such as meditation and gratitude can help you stay at your best.

Smashing Generational Barriers

Last but not least, if you’re a first-generation, person of color, or female entrepreneur there are even more things that you could be dealing with as well. You are breaking down stereotypes and generational barriers that other people do not have in front of them. Affirmations are not a magic pill to solve these issues, but they can definitely strengthen your confidence to help you along your unique entrepreneurial journey.

When is the best time for business owners to do affirmations?

Entrepreneurial affirmations are a great way to start the workday. Combining them with meditation can be a great morning routine for business owners to handle the challenges faced each day. Whether you’re heading into the office or working from home there’s always an opportunity to self affirm. If you can’t do them in the morning, squeezing them in before a big meeting can help to calm any anxiety you may have. Another good time is after you’re done with work and winding down preparing for the next day. If you struggle clearing your mind from the thoughts of the day, you can also do sleep affirmations to improve your rest.

31 Affirmations For Entrepreneurs

  1. I can achieve my goals
  2. I will overcome my current challenges 
  3. I enjoy helping my clients
  4. I am becoming a better version of myself one day at a time
  5. I am resilient in tough times
  6. I creatively find solutions to my problems
  7. I am becoming more experienced in my industry each day
  8. I will meet the expectations of my customers
  9. I will defy all odds
  10. All I need is within me
  11. I am building a lasting future for my family
  12. I manage risk well
  13. I am braver than I think
  14. I am capable
  15. I believe in my abilities and express my true self with ease
  16. I trust my gut
  17. I have high standards
  18. I make a difference by showing up every day and doing my best
  19. I am ready to learn something new
  20. All challenges are an opportunity for growth and I am thankful for the chance to evolve
  21. I accept and embrace all experiences, even unpleasant ones
  22. I am focused and engaged in the task at hand
  23. My day begins and ends with gratitude
  24. I am full of creative energy and new ideas
  25. My actions and thoughts are creating prosperity for me now
  26. I constantly attract opportunities that bring me abundance
  27. I am aware of my gift to the world and share it freely
  28. I am courageous
  29. I am a powerful creator
  30. I enjoy being self disciplined
  31. I have unshakable faith


If you’re building a business you absolutely need to practice self-care. You already have the odds stacked up against you so remaining grounded and secure in yourself is very important. Stay gritty and continue to build your legacy boss!

We hope you enjoyed this dose of positivity, if so, we have a ton more on our free affirmations app available on iOS or Android. We’d love for you to join our growing community.