How to Practice Gratitude Daily

Did you know that practicing gratitude can lead to a reduction of the release of stress hormones in the body? Also, showing gratitude can lower your chances of congestive heart failure. Scientifically, affirmations continue to prove the benefits of practicing gratitude. It’s time to start embracing the practice of showing gratitude for our health!

Woman smiling and is full of joy and gratitude

Life moves pretty fast, and can sometimes sweep us through the fast lane. As a result, if we don’t slow down a bit to appreciate what we have, we lose sight of the bigger picture of life–happiness. By repeating words of affirmations, being present in the moment, and living a life of gratitude, we can experience joy never felt before.

What are the benefits of practicing gratitude?

There is no doubt that practicing gratitude positively impacts our health. By showing gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness daily, we can subconsciously shrug off feelings of sadness and depression in our lives. The following are some benefits of practicing gratitude and repeating appreciative affirmations daily:

  • Gratitude increases our levels of happiness in all areas of life.

  • Gratitude improves our relationships with spouses, friends, family, our jobs and so much more.

  • Gratitude is infectious. Practicing thankfulness can radiate through to your partner and children, strengthening the bond in the family.

  • Gratitude keeps you healthy, mentally and physically.

How do I practice daily gratitude?

To help you get started on your gratitude journey, here are some ways you can instill gratitude into your daily life.

  1. Commit to a Life of Gratitude: The first step to living a life of gratitude is to actually commit yourself, wholly, to the process of giving thanks. Even if you have to force yourself to be grateful, this can create a positive shift in your mindset.

  2. Practice Mindfulness Meditation: Because gratitude is a spiritual practice, you should try to gain momentum with some meditation. You can start by sitting or lying down and thinking about a list of things you’re grateful for. By meditating every day, in this manner, combined with morning gratitude affirmations you will grow happier.

  3. Keep a Gratitude Journal: Keeping a journal is one of the best ways to keep track of things you’re thankful for, especially after a morning meditation session. The use of a journal helps you repeat mantras and affirmations that speak of gratitude and appreciation of life

  4. Volunteer: There is no greater joy than sharing your gratitude with others. Helping others helps you become happier, especially when you make them smile.

By practicing gratitude daily, you could avoid stress and experience happiness like you’ve never imagined. By following these tips on gratitude, and repeating daily gratitude affirmations; for example, ‘I am grateful to be alive’; you too can enjoy a life of fulfillment. Download our app for more gratitude affirmations on iOS or Android.